Blockchain (from the English “block chain”) is an innovative system for storing and transmitting information in the form of sequential chains of transaction blocks. The blocks are included in a single database, which is automatically updated with each new transaction.
At the stage of its appearance, the blockchain technology was used exclusively for cryptocurrency, and a little later it was adopted by some banking structures. However, today, in its development, the new system penetrates into our daily life quite deeply. Platforms for developing business applications based on blockchain technology can even monitor copyright compliance, track the production processes of a particular product for its compliance with the stated standards, not to mention absolutely all financial transactions.
The development of projects on the blockchain requires developers to know not only programming languages, but also a deep understanding of the principles of decentralized applications, as well as cryptography.
For more than 4 years, AIW has been developing blockchain applications for business. It is easy to create your own cryptocurrency, develop an exchange and conduct an ICO! As well as blockchain programming, the creation of smart contracts.
Need blockchain experts? Please contact us! Our programmers are well versed in the blockchain and understand the essence of the work of all code bases (C++, Java, Solidity, Python, and others). Submit a request for development.
Smart contracts are used for those types of activities where it is possible to automatically fulfill obligations by the parties without the participation and evaluation of a person. The smart contract independently tracks whether certain conditions of the contract have been fully fulfilled. At the same time, thanks to the blockchain system itself, the code is absolutely protected from any third-party interference. That is, no attacker can change the lines of code-the terms of a contract concluded between two (or more) people.
Smart contracts first began to be used in practice in 2013 in the Ethereum project, now most often used for ICOs: on the basis of a published memorandum (white paper), investors direct funds to the account of the corresponding smart contract, receiving in return banknotes that play the role of shares of this startup.
We implement smart contracts for the Ethereum platform and others. Order the development of a smart contract.
Compliance with high security standards and resistance to DDoS attacks is the cornerstone of blockchain services. There have already been hundreds of cases when attackers either permanently disabled services, or stole coins worth tens and hundreds of millions of dollars.
If you operate a blockchain service, then security is the first thing to take care of. We will conduct an audit of your service, identify weaknesses and help protect them. Submit a request for a security audit.
Thanks to blockchain technology, you can create your own cryptocurrency (coin) by analogy with Bitcoin: the source codes are freely available. At the same time, it requires exceptional professionalism of developers to be able not only to do everything correctly, but also to ensure security and fault tolerance.
Ethereum tokens are simply digital assets that are created on top of the Ethereum blockchain. They take advantage of the existing Ethereum infrastructure instead of forcing developers to create a completely new blockchain.
To develop our cryptocurrency, we take the current source code, make the necessary changes to it, and compile it. As a rule, development consists of the following stages:
Unless significant changes to the core are required, creating a coin takes approximately one month and costs from $20,000. Integration with web services and a web wallet is being worked out separately.
We are often asked how much it will cost to develop a project using the blockchain, and, as a rule, the entire description of the project fits in a couple of paragraphs. Of course, based on such a small amount of information, it is unrealistic to estimate the cost of developing a project. At the same time, it is possible to form approximate benchmarks for the cost of blockchain projects:
Web wallet development | From 13500 $ |
Exchange Development | From 26500 $ |
Development and issue of the coin (coin issue) | From 26500 $ |
Creating a smart contract and issuing tokens (token issue) | From 2700 $ |
ICO website Development | From 6500 $ |
Conduct ICO | 100 000–500 000 $ |
To determine the exact cost of the project, we always suggest starting with the formation of a detailed technical specification. As part of the terms of reference, you can estimate the number of hours that you will need to spend on the development of the project and calculate the total cost by multiplying the number of hours by the rate. The average rate of blockchain developers is $ 50-70 per hour, but in some cases it can reach $100.
Developing a comprehensive technical specification is the most important part of the project! Please don’t neglect it. The cost of developing technical specifications for blockchain projects is usually 3-4 thousand dollars.
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